21 September 2013

Moving Update #1

So apparently saving a draft doesn't quite work the day I thought it did. Ah well, I did post something last night, but I wrote it a few days ago.

I've been wanting to draft something about being alone, but I'm still working out something good, so perhaps tomorrow.

Today will just be an update about my packing. Fascinating, I know.

As I have mentioned before, I'll be moving across the country (back to NC) mid-October, and I've already begun packing most of my things now so as not to find myself freaking out during my last few days here. I have multiple times made the mistake of packing and disposing of items hours before a flight leaves and it always turns into an incredibly stressful day. I intend for my last few nights in LA to be relaxing and happy, since I'll be leaving so much behind.

I spent last night watching Mulan and wrapping up my paintings. They're really going to take up much less room than I'd anticipated, which is great news. I just hope that the glass doesn't break on any of the pieces. My brother helped wrap up the pottery and sculptures that I own, and I packed everything away in boxes and placed it all in a pile in the living room so I can get a sense of whether or not it's all going to fit in my car. I will not be getting a trailer, so a lot will have to be sold. Downsizing will be nice. I have a few nice things that remind me of my family and I'll be keeping those items, but I don't want to be a slave to my possessions.

This morning I walked out to the soccer field to see my cousin's soccer game (which I should know doesn't last that long, I mean, the kids are 7 and 8). The 8-year old clung to my leg and wailed about how she doesn't want me to go. I feel so guilty moving so far away from my aunt and her two kids, but I feel it's a necessary step. I've already planned how I'll keep in touch with them, but we'll see how it goes. After all, I missed my aunt a lot when I was a kid and she visited yearly--it still didn't feel like enough.

Weather's still trying to change here. I hope I didn't make a mistake packing all of my long-sleeved clothes already. It doesn't get that cold in October out here, right? I can't remember anymore.

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