04 September 2013

Adding yet another potentially unhealthy habit

If I decide I want to fix a habit, there are numerous places I can start. I can stop biting my fingernails, thus depriving myself of germs and satisfaction that my brain so desperately craves. I can stop procrastinating, reading useless articles on the internet and taking inane quizzes about whether I am truly an introvert or have an anxiety disorder (do I??). I can stop using internet speak when I talk to specific friends, which just looks strange amid manicured and correctly capitalized and punctuated sentences.


It is paramount that rather than dwelling on the negative in my life, I begin introducing positive. Those same evenings that I lurk on Reddit or skim internet forums, in the back of my mind I know that I ought to be writing. Three years ago I told myself that I would start writing a novel a quarter, or a short story a month, or a flash fiction piece a week, or even a couple sentences a day. For three years, I failed to convince myself to follow through, and all I have to show for it now are a couple unfinished (and restarted) novels, portions of short stories, multiple scenes without context, and a number of languishing story ideas that cry in the corners of my Google Drive and look up expectantly when I open my idea file and throw another half-baked on in there to waste away with the rest. 

For the next month (that is, 30 days) intend to start fresh, and commit to writing 10 minutes of fiction a day. That's every day, including weekends. I've had the hardest time committing myself to a routine habit, even one as mundane as writing daily. I'll spend weekend days lounging around in bed, watching five movies, going out to eat, and half-heartedly attending parties. But there's no excuse--10 minutes a day is nothing. I probably spend that much time preparing for bed (on the days I don't pass out in my clothes).

So that's it. Write fiction for 10 minutes a day. Let's see if I can do it.

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